I want to encourage you to Create a life that supports your mental health this year.
2023 is. While I think any day is a good day to set goals, make changes or decide what you want in the future, there can be a certain anticipation for the fresh start the new year can bring.
I don’t like the word “resolution” because they never seem to work. Kind of like diets, they work for a little bit, but without behavior changes and creating new habits, nothing will change.
The same goes for our mental health. In order to create a life that supports our mental health, we have to look at what is working for our mental health and what isn’t.
We hear a lot about “manifesting” the type of life we want. Our goals, our relationships, our physical health and our finances. But none of that will ever be enough if we don’t have a life that supports our mental health.
That’s why I want to share with others how you can start to create a life that supports your mental health and one that will allow you to fully achieve the life you want and deserve.
Our mental health system is broken. Even those who have money and resources are not immune to mental health challenges. With each suicide of a famous person, I am reminded that it is so much more than not having access to care.

We can feel helpless. What I have learned over my life is that we truly have more control over our life and our mental health than most of us realize.
Therapy is amazing, but it isn’t enough. We have to be proactive and take steps that create an environment that will support our MH.
Once we recognize the habits that aren’t supporting our mental health, we can begin to make changes.
This can range from changing our careers or where we live, to something simpler such as taking a 20 minute walk each day or drinking more water. Some changes can happen quickly, but some may take some
time and planning. It is a process but one you can begin today.
A few changes I’ve made over the years to better support my mental health are: switching to a WFPB diet, making exercise a priority again, moving to a warm, sunny climate so I don’t face cold, gray winters, and protecting myself from toxic relationships.
So, ask yourself, What do you want to do differently this year? What changes do you want to see in your life so you can have more joy? What support do you need to create in order to get there? Some may seem like they will take too long or be too much work, but the time will pass anyway and we work hard each day, so just set that vision and break down what it would take you to get there.
Remember, it is not selfish to work on ourselves. Working on ourselves helps us to be ready to conquer what life sends our way. Be intentional each day. Ask yourself, “Is this supporting my mental health or not?”
Next week I’ll walk you through the 5 specific questions I use to assess my life on a regular basis.
Until then, think about what small changes you can create this week to better support your mental health. Also, head on over to my new Facebook group where we will work together to create a life that supports your mental health. Join Create A Life That Supports Your Mental Health by clicking HERE.

If you haven’t grabbed a copy of my book yet, head on over to Amazon and grab your copy HERE!