Despite Eating Disorders being the second most deadliest mental illness, many people in society don’t know the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder. Therefore, the don’t know what to look for in their loved one.
Of course, there are many more than these but these are 8 of the top ones to become familiar with so you can be prepared and educated in case you ever need them.
So, if you are concerned that a loved one may be struggling with an eating disorder, here are some signs to watch for:
Changes in eating habits: Your loved one may begin to avoid certain foods, skip meals, or follow strict rules around eating. They may also begin to express a fear of gaining weight or becoming “fat.”
Changes in weight: Your loved one may experience significant weight loss or gain, and may continue to lose weight even when they are already underweight.
Preoccupation with food and weight: Your loved one may talk frequently about food, weight, and body image, and may spend a lot of time thinking about or planning their meals.
Changes in behavior: Your loved one may become increasingly withdrawn, irritable, or anxious, and may avoid social situations that involve food.
Physical signs: Your loved one may exhibit physical signs of malnutrition, such as dry skin, brittle nails, thinning hair, or cold intolerance. They may also experience gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation or bloating.
Obsessive exercise: Your loved one may become obsessed with exercise and may spend hours working out each day, even when they are tired or injured.
Hoarding food or hiding food: Your loved one may hoard food or hide food in their room, in order to binge eat or to maintain a sense of control over their food intake.
It can sometimes be difficult to notice the signs or symptoms in a loved one. That is why it is so important to be aware of them. It can be easy to miss. Those with eating disorders can be very good at hiding their behaviors and often camouflage their weight loss or weight gain. Being familiar with these behaviors will make it easier to notice if someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder. Spreading awareness is so important.
Remember, we are stronger together!
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