Staying focused throughout the day can be hard. It can be even more difficult if you live with Depression. Add a dash of ADHD, and things can really become challenging! However, there are some things you can do and some tools you can utilize that will make it easier to concentrate and get things done. Here are five tools that will keep you focused throughout your busy day.
Plans, Lists, And Outlines
One of the best tools to help you stay focused is a piece of paper and a pen. Use this to make sure you stay on track and always know what you should be working on. Make plans, draw up outlines and work with lists. A Daily to-do list or a checklist for a particular project can be a great tool to help you stay productive and focused throughout the day. You can also use digital tools such as Trello or Asana to help you manage your tasks that need to be completed today or in the next few days. The benefits of these tools is that you won’t lose your lists that you have written on paper! Many people find a combination of these two tools, lists on paper as well as a digital tool such as Asana, to be the best way to stay focused, organized and on track.
Set Deadlines
Work will expand to fill the time you allot it. Because of that it’s important to set deadlines. Figure out how long it should take you to do a particular task, or even an entire project and come up with some deadlines for yourself. Just keep in mind that if these are your own personal deadlines, you can move them if your mental health needs more time to complete it. However, if they are deadlines imposed on you by a boss or some other outside factor, be sure you give yourself plenty of time and be sure not to pile a lot of other responsibilities on your plate while you are completing the project. Taking on too many tasks with strict deadlines can be incredibly draining to our mental health.
It is important to know your limits and the amount of energy you have each day to address to important activities. Become aware of how much you can do each day without becoming emotionally exhausted or triggering your mental health in a negative way.

It may be weird at first glance to think of exercise as a tool to help you focus, but it can make a big difference. Not only does it give you a bit of a mental break and is just overall healthy and good for you, a little bit of exercising throughout your workday also gets the blood flowing, makes you breath harder, and as a result, gets more oxygen into your system. Movement will also stimulate your brain which will help you focus more. It will also help keep your emotions more level so you are able to focus without distraction of depression.
Regular exercise each day will also keep your mind clearer, increase your focus and help your mental health to stay more stable. You will also have more energy and be healthier overall. Movement is so important for so many areas of our lives.
The next time you feel stuck, or unproductive, get up and move around. Do a few sit-ups, do a few jumping jacks, squats, stretch or take a quick walk on your lunch break. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much of a difference it can make.

Clean Food and Plenty Of Water
What you eat is just as important. I know I mention this all the time, but it really is that important. Changing how I eat over the years has made and incredible difference in my brain health. Eat a healthy diet and fuel your body with good, clean food. Don’t overdo it at lunch. You don’t want your body to be so busy digesting that big plate of pasta that you feel like you need an afternoon nap. It can be better to eat smaller meals and add in some snacks in between to space out your food to keep your energy up and won’t drain your energy by digesting a big meal.
Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. We should drink a minimum of half a gallon(2 liters) of water per day. Drinking a gallon is even better. Dehydration can cause headaches and keep you unfocused for hours on end.
Rest and Sleep
Last but not least, make sure you get plenty of sleep and enough rest and relaxation. We live in such a busy, fast paced world and many of us are not sleeping enough or taking enough time to recharge. You can’t stay 100% focused all the time. Give your brain a rest, do something relaxing you enjoy doing and of course get a good 8 hours of sleep at night. When you are planning out your day, be sure to add in that relaxation/recharge time. We need a mental and physical break to keep ourselves mentally and physically well. This will help you stay focused when it’s time to buckle down and get work done in a sustainable way.
Be sure to hop on over to my resource page and grab my free resources I have for you. And if you haven’t grabbed a copy of my book yet, head on over to Amazon and grab it HERE.