This past October I turned 50 years old. That’s half a century friends! One great advantage of getting older, is actually getting smarter. The longer we live, the more chances… Recently I began setting alarms throughout the day in order to pause during the chaos of life and check in with how I am feeling. I stumbled upon this idea… Life can catch up with us and overwhelm us without even realizing it. When it does, it seems like dominos falling all around us. When we can keep up with… Last month, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Chris Ferguson. Dr. Ferguson is a Psychology professor at Stetson University in Florida and is an expert on survivor’s guilt. … May is now considered Mental Health Awareness Month. These days, every month has multiple causes just as every single day is designated for something. Today is National Lost Sock Memorial… Do you know what triggers your depression? One minute you are feeling and the next you feel like you have a weight holding you down. It is important to understand what… Sydney Aiello, age 19 Jeremy Richman, age 49 Calvin Desir, age 16 Three individuals who felt living was just too hard. Three individuals who were directly affected by a school… A friend of mine recently wrote about how her life was shaped by other adults who took the time to fill in the gaps where her parents weren’t there. It… Depression comes at the most inconvenient time!! It’s kind of like any other illness. It can be very unpredictable and makes it hard to plan life sometimes. It is… A few weeks ago, my friend posted that she had just read, A Mother’s Reckoning: Living In The Aftermath of Tragedy, by Sue Klebold and asked for someone else to…10 Habits That Can Help Your Mental Health
Checking In On Your Feelings Throughout The Day Could Help You Stay Ahead Of Depression
Can Simplifying Your Life, Improve Your Mental Health?
Survivor’s Guilt: What to Look For and How to Help
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!! Let’s End the Stigma Together!
Four Steps To Take When Depression Is Triggered
Be That Person
My Top 3 Depression Busters
A Mother’s Reckoning: A Book Review By Me