If you would like to keep in touch, please fill out the form below and I will send you a notification when I release my latest content. When I type… Life can catch up with us and overwhelm us without even realizing it. When it does, it seems like dominos falling all around us. When we can keep up with… Self-care is something we hear a lot about when discussing both our physical health and our mental health. It is also something most of us are not very good… I’m not really sure when this happens though. As little kids, we are always asking for help and we never hesitate. We are uninhibited and ask questions when we need answers. We ask for help when we can’t do something ourselves or can’t figure something out. Maybe as our teachers and parents try to teach us to be independent so we begin to as though feel asking for help at all becomes wrong or a burden. I recently switched my blog theme. I figured I could do it myself. It seemed as though the other bloggers were getting theirs all set up on their own. How hard could it be? Well, I tried. I tried for weeks. I got frustrated and took and break. Then went at it again. I was determined to figure it out on my own. Im smart enough. I’m also stubborn. However, computers and tech are not my specialty. I didn’t even have computers in college. My brain simply doesn’t grasp these concepts. So, after trying and not succeeding, I asked for help. In a random conversation with my neighbor who was moving out, he told me he was freelancing building websites until he found a full time job! That was it. I hired him to help me and what a relief it was to have an “expert” help me navigate through something I knew nothing about. Easy. Why don’t we do this when we are struggling with our mental health? Imagine if we asked for help whenever something was bothering our mind as quickly as we go to the doctor for the flu, or a nagging cough that doesn’t go away. Instead of worrying about what others might think, we would simply start feeling better sooner. So, let’s make a deal. Ok? Let’s start asking each other for help again like when we were kids. Know who is in your circle. Heck, just ask anyone if you really are struggling. Whether it’s help for setting up a website, or help with depression, just ask. We need to be sure we teach our children it’s ok to still ask for help. Let’s not squash that. The best way to teach other is by doing it yourself. Let’s be the example for those around us. Ask for help. How can I help you?? An elephant on my chest. Weights on my legs. A lump in my throat. Tears in my eyes. Walking through deep water. A mind that is blank. The sun… I envy you who can walk around without feeling like a weight is on your body. I envy you who can smile and laugh with ease on… My stomach has been turning since I heard the first report of the shooting at the Parkland, FL high school on Valentines Day. We know people… You see it all the time. A child or parent gets seriously ill and people start seeing how they can help. Meal sign ups are started. Sometimes a fundraiser is… If you’ve ever flown, you’ve heard the safety instructions that the flight attendants give before take off. One of these instructions is about the possible need for oxygen if the… When someone has surgery, has a baby, a death in the family or some physical illness, it seems as though society knows how to react. The meal sign ups…RAD Is Not RADical In Our World
Simplifying Your Life
Easy and Cheap Self-Care Ideas
Asking For Help
Why is it so hard for so many of us to ask for help when we are struggling? We hesitate to discuss our problems in hopes that they will go away. We often feel as if we would be a bother to our friends and family. Plus, “what could they really do”, is often our mindset so we keep our problems to ourselves. But why do we do this? What is it about asking for help when we are struggling emotionally makes up stop and continue without it? There seems to be a misconception in society that asking for help mean we are weak, stupid or that it’s embarrassing.
How Depression Feels
Envy: A Poem About Depression
5 Easy Ways We Can Help Our Hurting Communities Today
We Need To Treat Mental Illness With The Same Respect As Other Serious Illnesses
Put On Your Mask First
8 Ways To Help Families Struggling With Mental Illness