Social media can get a bad rap from many individuals. You see articles almost weekly sharing all the negative things about it. I have seen groups for “screen free” parenting. There are even studies that show it can aggravate one’s depression, anxiety or other mental health issue. While I’m not disputing these studies or that social media can have a negative impact on many, I do want to share the positives affects that social media has had on my mental health and that of many of my friends. You see, I don’t believe it is social media itself that can be negative, but rather, how we use it and incorporate it into our lives. We need to be aware of topics that can trigger our mental health and simply stay away from those pages. We need to be aware of the positives we receive from social media and focus on those areas instead and use them to build us up. Of course, we always need to protect our children and teach them the proper way to use social media. However, since it has been more of a help for me, I thought I would share a few of the positive effects various social media has had on my mental health and how it actually can help your mental health.

- It makes it easier to keep in touch with our friends and family. This was the first benefit I realized social media could do for me. It was so difficult to keep in touch with everyone you wanted to before we had social media and cell phones. Life gets busy, people move and years fly by. At my 40th birthday celebration, two of my college roommates had already joined Facebook. They told me how they had connected with many of our college friends with whom we had all lost touch. So, I took the plunge and never looked back. For me, it has been wonderful to not only connect with old friends, but also others that I grew up with who I may not have been friends with growing up by have been able to develop adult relationships with these individuals. I love seeing the pictures of the adventures of their lives, their children or sharing exciting milestones. It has also allowed me to share our challenges and triumphs. I believe in keeping it real and often by sharing our struggles, I have inspired others to share theirs. I just really the increased communication that social media has allowed me to have.

- Different groups/pages that connect us with other that have similar interests or challenges. One thing that has really been a benefit for me, are the various groups and pages that are on social media. I follow many mental health accounts on Instagram and twitter. One facebook I have joined many groups that have offered support to challenges we have had in our life that none of my friends or family could really understand since they were situational. For years I was a member of a group for parents who had a child or children, with severe attachment issues. This was my first realization about how helpful, supportive and educational the right groups could be. We were going through some real struggles with our son who we had adopted from foster care and had very little options for support in our community. Connecting with these other parents allowed me to learn tips and techniques to help him as well as realizing we were good parents and that the issues were from his emotional trauma. These groups may have helped us learn how to help him heal more than any professional counselor every did. On Pinterest I am part of a page called, All Things Mental Health. We all post our blog posts or other interesting articles on mental health. I also have two business pages on Facebook and Instagram. One for my blog and one for my direct sales business. This has allowed me to connect with others I would never have met otherwise. It has allowed me to save some time and also allows me to still do some work on days that my mind and body may not be cooperating. So, for me, all social media has helped me connect with others on many levels.

- Allows us to learn new information and gain more knowledge. I love to learn. I am always reading non-fiction books, news articles, blog posts, and anything I can find that is interesting for me. Since I follow so many accounts and pages on topics that interest me or are important to my life, I learn a lot from the various articles and stories shared. What I like about this is that I can easily access so much information from my home and I can continue to learn more on the subjects that are near and dear to my heart. I have learned a lot more on plant based eating than I would at the local library by following pages with this focus. I learn a lot about the current crisis of our mental health system and what others are doing to help improve it and to also end the stigma. By increasing my knowledge on many subjects, I also increase my confidence.

- We can connect with others and gain new friendships. Ok, I know we warn our kids about meeting people online and I think that is with good reason. However, I have been able to meet so many amazing women through the various groups I’ve become part of online. I am in a group for my self-publishing, my Mary Kay business, the university parent’s page for the school where my sons’ attend and of course, a few that surround mental health. I have met some amazing individuals who understand many of my struggles. It has been a great sense of strength and support to not only talk with these individual but to also offer them support and guidance from my own experiences. It feels great to realize some of your struggles can help someone else who is going through the same thing you have gone through previously.

- There are business opportunities that can allow you to work from home or run a side hustle. This has been a huge asset for me. My physical and mental health are where working a traditional job out of the home is simply too much for me. I was able to handle it when I was single and had no children, but adding taking care of others, it is just too much. That, plus now being 51 and having bad fibromyalgia and neuropathy, I realized I need to switch my focus for my career. I’m now slowly building up my writing and my direct sales business in hopes of making a solid income with both by next summer. The connections I’ve made online and the resources I have been able to access, have been invaluable for me. It allows me to learn, work and broaden my horizons even on days when my depression and physical health are not up to par.
So, while social media can get a bad rap, I have found many positive aspects of it that have helped to support my mental health. I’d love to hear your thoughts and if you have found any benefits to the world of social media.