***The information shared on this website is not meant to replace professional help, but rather to be educational, sharing personal struggles and experiences and to let you know you are not alone. If you, or someone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, seek medical attention at your local emergency room or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.***
Over my lifetime, I have learned so much about how to manage my depression so it no longer controls me. Sure, I still have bad days, but they are few and far between and my bounce back is much quicker. Throughout the years, I have tried many different strategies and techniques and have figured out what works for me. Starting November 2020, I am offering monthly group coaching session to help you develop your own Depression Survival Guide. I will share how practicing Mindfulness has changed my life, what strategies I use to stay ahead of my depression and help you find the right combination of techniques to find more joy in your life. **This is NOT therapy or a replacement for therapy. I’m just a woman who has lived with depression since I was a child, have learned a lot over the years and want to help others save time by sharing what I have learned!** For questions or more information on my group coaching program for depression, you can contact me at dbrady1021@yahoo.com. Isn’t it time you found your inner peace and joy again?
I would also love to hear your partnership ideas to create amazing content for my readers. Here are some examples of the ways I am able to partner with like-minded brands and groups! I am open to new ideas too!
- Group Coaching for Depression
- Individual Coaching for Depression
- Social Media Campaigns
- Guest posting(either you can post on my blog, or I can post on yours)
- Guest on MH podcasts
- Sponsored Posts
- Event Appearance and Live Social Sharing
- Speaker Engagements(I love Public Speaking, unlike most individuals!)
- Panelist & more!
If interested, please send me an email at dbrady1021@yahoo.com!