Beneficial habits like self-care often go by the wayside during stressful times. It can be difficult to focus on anything but the bare minimum when life gets hard. The fact… In yesterday’s blog post, I shared ways to get started with self-care. Creating habits and adding activities to your calendar help increase your chances of sticking with your new routine…. Like any new habit, adding self-care into your life can seem kind of tricky. You probably wonder how you’ll manage to find time to do anything extra for yourself, let… You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” used a lot lately. It’s become a popular buzzword in the media and in personal development circles. However, you still may be unclear on… You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” used a lot lately. It’s become a popular buzzword in the media and in personal development circles. However, you still may be unclear on… In November of 2016, I had a genuine, full blown mental breakdown. It had been an extremely stressful few years and during that time, I was putting myself dead last. … Negative self-talk. Why is it so easy for us to put ourselves down with words in our mind, yet so difficult to get into the habit of talking to ourselves… Journaling has become one of my favorite techniques for managing my depression. It’s something all of us can do. It doesn’t cost a lot of money. All you need is… When I was in graduate school, I took a nutrition class as an elective. Being newly recovered from my anorexia, it was fascinating to me so I wanted to learn… Mindfulness is becoming more and more popular as we are beginning to realize running the fast paced rat race we have been running in society simply isn’t working. In fact,…Make A List Of 5 Simple Self-Care Routines You Can Fall Back On When Needed
Try Something New Today To Care For Yourself
Start & End Your Day With A Little Self-Care
Why Self-Care Matters & Super Simple Ways To Treat Yourself
Why Self-Care Matters & Super Simple Ways To Treat Yourself
5 Reasons To Make Self-Care A Priority
Countering Your Negative Self-Talk
Journaling For Depression
Nutrition and Depression
Simple Ways To Add Mindfulness To Our Schools.